The MC1322x Project


Presented by:
Date: Saturday April 24, 2010
Time: 12:00 - 13:00
Track: Maker

History and motivation of the mc1322x project. Summary of the state-of-the-art and community projects. Summary of available hardware. Getting going with the mc1322x: an introduction to mc1322x-tests. Contiki flyby: what's what and what's where. Outstanding items and directions for the future.

Mariano Alvira

Mar is the Chief Engineer of Redwire, LLC, a prototyping and consultancy firm based in Boston, MA. His main hobbies and interests are _not_ disassembling Freescale libraries (although that was kind of fun), but actually include: machining, welding, circuits, and anything else related to the fabrication of things. He holds a B.S and M.Eng degrees from MIT in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

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