Crimewave 101


Presented by: Vyrus
Date: Friday May 06, 2016
Time: 15:00 - 15:50
Location: Main Room
Track: Keynotes

What is “crimeware”? Crimeware is software designed exclusively to commit crime. Usually (but not always), crimeware is written using very poor “best practices”, and yet, is typically highly effective against its intended targets (despite the efforts of “information security professionals”). Why? Because most “Information security professionals” are not tasked with preventing the types of crime that most crimeware is designed to commit. Most crimeware is designed to commit theft (usually of money), and most theft is not done by exotic criminals with fancy gadgets and well funded backers or look like anything out an Oceans 11 scene. Most crime is done by desperate and or opportunistic people in order to acquire wealth as fast as possible. Which is why it usually is done with a crow bar and a ski mask rather than some lockpicks, a proxmark, or a laptop. Within this nexus between the reality of crime and the ill compared seductiveness of “espionage” is where our story “and this presentation” begins…


Vyrus is some guy who for some unholy reason enjoys researching the efficacies of subjectively elegant crime (hypothetical or otherwise). Since the only method of conducting research on crime from a first hand perspective is to commit crime(s), he does not admit to ever having been directly or indirectly involved in the commitment of such crimes, or, associating with any known criminals. And since the only people who DO admit to such things are either now or have at one time been found guilty by a criminal justice system, he advises you to not trust anything anybody has to say on the matter who chooses to discuss such things without provocation (including himself) and instead compare his presented research to that of your own material (should you so allegedly choose to do so).

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