Mo Money Mo Problems: The Clean(ish) Cashout


Presented by: Benjamin Brown
Date: Friday May 06, 2016
Time: 14:30 - 14:55
Location: Turbo Room
Track: Track 2

The hardest part of cybercrime is the cashout. The strategy for cashing out needs to be easy enough to make it worth your while and safe enough to stay out of the klink. With more and more focus on identifying and stopping credit card fraud cybercrooks are diversifying their methods for cashing out. While criminals can, and do, sell whole and bundled online retailer accounts, credit card data, and fullz, I want to look at how they get their grubby paws on that cold hard cash. Lets dig into the tools, techniques, and procedures used by this new generation of e-launderers and cyber hustlers. The Real-Real? Understanding the lifecycle of a financially motivated cybercrime is an important part of successfully and efficiently defending against them. When we have insight into the tools, techniques, procedures, motivations, methods, and ecosystems driving these attacks we are afforded the opportunity to build defense in depth that specifically targets the weaknesses and load-bearing assumptions of the attackers. This talk is not a general hand-waving at the topic of ""cybercrime"", but instead an in-depth exposition showing currently active tools and methods, non-public case study information, and defense tactics that are actively and successfully being employed right now.

Benjamin Brown

Benjamin currently computers on the darknets and holds like at least 7 darkwebz.

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