Darknet 101: Offerings & Protecting Yourself

BSides SATX 2016

Presented by: Justin C. Ryan
Date: Saturday May 21, 2016
Time: 14:00 - 14:50
Location: Moody Room 101
Track: In The Clouds

The future of cybersecurity is a big haze of unknown possibilities. Hackers are getting more creative, cunning, and geared to taking something valuable of their victims. Anyone can now afford to hire a "digital hit man," if they know where to look. The fact is you no longer even need to know how to code. The average everyday soccer mom can purchase the right equipment and learn how to use it within a few hours to "p0ne" the annoying hacker kid next door. This talk is designed to enlighten people on the ease of digital crime today. The darknet has created a true undergrown marketplace for hackers to connect with anyone needing their skills. Crypto-currency is the hottest way to pay for it all, because just having the right equipment can create the currency, providing a special level of anonymity. In this presentation I will provide live darknet demonstrations and show real examples of the new wave of phishing emails. In addition, I will provide a few "staying safe" demos through visualized containerization of the internet.

Justin C. Ryan

Justin C. Ryan is a Cyber Security Adviser for Ernst and Young, with over a decade of industrial experience through his time as an active duty military member working for the Air Force Computer Emergency Response Center. He has invested over three years in the research of undergrown digital crime. Justin sits on the Board of Directors for the San Antonio InfraGard and CyberTexas Foundation, while also serving on the Military Affairs Council and San Antonio Cybersecurity Committee for the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce. In addition, he has earn four degrees in the business and technology fields.

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