Could a worm spread through a smart light network? This talk explores the idea, and in particular dives into the internals of the Philips Hue smart light system, and details what security has been deployed to prevent this.
Examples of hacking various aspects of the system are presented, including how to bypass encrypted bootloaders to read sensitive information. Details on the firmware in multiple versions of the Philips Hue smart lamps and bridges are discussed. This talk concentrates on examples of advanced techniques used in attacking IoT/embedded hardware devices.
Colin O'Flynn has developed the world's first open-source platform for side-channel power analysis and glitching attacks, and has spoken around the worldabout the application of this platform to various targets. Previously heworked with Atmel developing low-power wireless embedded systems, andcontinues to write about FPGAs for Circuit Cellar magazine. He lives inHalifax, NS, Canada.