The Era of Bio Big Data: Benefits and Challenges for Information Security, Health, the Economy, and National Security


Presented by: Edward You
Date: Saturday August 06, 2016
Time: 16:00 - 16:25
Location: BioHacking Vilage

Big Data analytics is a rapidly growing field that promises to dramatically change the delivery of services in sectors as diverse as consumer products and healthcare. Big Data analytics also have the potential to enable deeper insight into complex scientific problems in the human condition by leveraging ever-increasing stores of knowledge coupled with ever-improving processing capabilities. These beneficial aspects of Big Data have been well-documented and widely touted. However, less attention has been paid to the possible risks associated with these technologies beyond issues related to privacy. In the hopes of sparking discussion and identifying paths forward to better safeguard the life, the FBI presentation will address some of the theoretical risks ranging from vulnerabilities of datasets to cyber intrusion and the potential malicious use of the integration and analysis of Big Data in the life sciences.

Edward You

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