Privacy Badger and Panopticlick vs. the Trackers, Round 1

The Eleventh Hope

Presented by: William Budington, Cooper Quintin
Date: Friday July 22, 2016
Time: 18:00 - 18:50
Location: Lamarr

Increasingly, as you navigate the web, your movements are being tracked. Even when you reject browser cookies, you transmit unique information that makes your browser personally identifiable. Ad tech and tracking companies are transforming the web into a platform where your user data is brokered and exchanged freely without your consent or even knowledge - and there is a true absence of limits to the methods trackers are willing to use to get that data from you. Luckily, there is hope. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has been developing technologies that let you know exactly how much of this data you are giving out as you browse, as well as releasing tools to help you protect yourselves against the trackers. Panopticlick and Privacy Badger help you keep your personal data private - and this talk will show you how.

William Budington

Cooper Quintin

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