Advanced Persistent Thirst (APT)

DerbyCon 6.0 - Recharge

Presented by: Patrick DeSantis, Joe Marshall, Carlos Pacho
Date: Friday September 23, 2016
Time: 19:30 - 19:55
Location: Pimlico
Track: Stable Talks

Advanced Persistent Thirst (APT) is project to convert a refrigeration and cooling device (refrigerator), customized to cool and dispense liquids from a barrel-shaped metallic storage container (keg), and augmented with the power and magic of ICS/SCADA. APT takes a kegerator and adds physical and logical controls via industry standard hardware, software, and protocols, to manage (control and/or restrict) the process of dispensing beer. A 'real world' industrial programmable logic controller (PLC) handles the automated controls while a touchscreen interface is implement for normal user interaction. After the talk and demo, attendees will be invited to connect to the APT network and 'hack for beer'.

Patrick DeSantis

Patrick, Joe, and Carlos come from Cisco's Talos threat intelligence organization where they specialize in ICS/SCADA security research.

Joe Marshall

Patrick, Joe, and Carlos come from Cisco's Talos threat intelligence organization where they specialize in ICS/SCADA security research.

Carlos Pacho

Patrick, Joe, and Carlos come from Cisco's Talos threat intelligence organization where they specialize in ICS/SCADA security research.

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