Tool Drop 2.0 - Free As In Pizza

DerbyCon 6.0 - Recharge

Presented by: Scot Berner, Jason Lang
Date: Saturday September 24, 2016
Time: 09:00 - 09:50
Location: Keeneland
Track: The 3-Way

Who doesn't love free tools? We certainly do, and as pentesters, we use them all the time. Now we get to give back to the community we love! We're releasing tools we've written over the past year (again). Wireless attacks, macro attacks, AWS pentesting automation, hacking Exchange web services, as much as we can fit in the time we have! This talk will focus mostly on red team tools. Blue team, you are absolutely encouraged to come so you can see what you're up against. We will include defensive measures wherever applicable. If you love free stuff, good stories, and are sick of the slides (this talk will be all demo), you'd better be here. Derbycon exclusive! Jason Lang has worked in enterprise security for over 10 years in both offensive and defensive roles. He has a passion for enterprise defenders working tirelessly to protect their organizations, writing bug-free code (never happens), and telling a good story.

Scot Berner

Scot "The Murphy" Berner is a caffeine addicted L70 Monk who collects rare pokemon unicorns and SAM databases. Born at a young age, he is known for his reclusive codeathons that produce a spaghetti like mess of stack overflow snippets and uncommented tomfoolery. NSFW.

Jason Lang

KhanFu - Mobile schedules for INFOSEC conferences.
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