Nobody gets fired by choosing IBM... but maybe they should.

DerbyCon 6.0 - Recharge

Presented by: Keith Conway, Cameron Craig
Date: Saturday September 24, 2016
Time: 19:00 - 19:25
Location: Pimlico
Track: Stable Talks

This talk explores how to positively influence monolithic corporations towards collective action. Compared to the typical infosec environment, our process leverages a slightly unorthodox yet effective application of social engineering, red teaming and design thinking. The goal of this presentation is to outline a practical approach by exploring four main vectors: people, environment, timing and message. Leveraging the techniques in this talk, viewers should be empowered to pivot corporate strategies, solve unmet customers needs simply and simultaneously build a great company.

Cameron Craig

Cameron Craig is a twenty-year contributor to new product development and interactive digital media practices, holding strategic roles in high technology start-ups, digital agencies, and most recently a Fortune 500 retailer. Cameron is currently the Head of User Experience/Innovation at Macy's | Bloomingdales, where he leads the team researching, designing and dreaming up the company's next generation products and services. His laser focus on the customer has pushed the organization to consistently innovate to meet the ever-changing needs of the Macy's customers both new and known.

Keith Conway

Keith Conway aka algirhythm is a ux architect and system deconstructor operating at the nexus of design, tech, biz dev and security. Keith consults with large scale monolithic corporations and aims to create sustainable value for businesses while solving unmet customer needs simply. Building solid teams and great companies is something Keith ponders and strives to cultivate every day.

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