Robot Field Test - HACKADAY Edition

Hackaday 2016

Presented by: Erin Kennedy
Date: Saturday November 05, 2016
Time: 15:00 - 18:00
Location: Outdoor Area

During the Robot Field Test - HACKADAY Edition, the ten-person workshop will embark on the mission to use a robot to improve the environment. We will venture to an outdoors location and run 3 tasks to test the robot's functionality for certain problems or experiments that pertain to the locational setting — for example: collecting shoreline debris. We will share our observations about the robot & environment during the debrief session.

Erin Kennedy

Erin 'RobotGrrl' Kennedy is a robot maker. She was recognised as a top leader in Ontario through a Studio Y fellowship at the MaRS Discovery District. She is the founder of Robot Missions, engaging makers and environmentalists to collaborate on large challenges. Erin is the host of the Robot Party. Her first product RoboBrrd was created by over 100 people. She was recognised as an Intel Emerging Young Entrepreneur. Erin studied digital fabrication through the Fab Academy.

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