Don't Forget the People, Designing For Humans

Hackaday 2016

Presented by: Kate Reed
Date: Sunday November 06, 2016
Time: 15:45 - 16:10
Location: LACM Stage

When creating something new, it’s easy to get swept up in the thrill of technology and mechanics, to rush and say, ‘It works!” But don’t forget the people. As designers and makers, we must invent for the deeply complex creatures that we are, constantly asking ourselves if we are improving the human experience in all that we make.

Kate Reed

Kate Reed is an artist and inventor from Dover, MA. She is a community thinker who ponders the human experience at every turn, solving real world problems with simplicity and economic availability to all. Kate's designs and inventions have been featured at the White House, Boston and New York Fashion Week, Museum of Design Atlanta, Hackaday Superconference, the MIT Museum, and the Boston Children’s Museum. Kate is a student in the Brown RISD Dual Degree Program.

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