Slash AppSec Costs, Free Threat Modeling & Compliance Data Output

ShmooCon XIII - 2017

Presented by: John Willis
Date: Friday January 13, 2017
Time: 21:20 - 21:35
Location: Main Room
Track: Firetalks

A work in progress tool will be demonstrated. It enables modeling application/system security requirements, then expands the list of requirements to a more actionable list for design, risk-benefit trade-off analysis, testing and compliance purposes. Security functional requirements libraries and threat modeling mitigation libraries will be community maintained.

John Willis

John M. Willis is a security architect who seeks to build security in by coming up with new and different ways of looking at things.

Brendan O’Connor

Brendan O’Connor (@ussjoin) went to law school to explain tech policy to the government. Instead, he explains security to auditors. Occasionally, he hurts himself while cutting wood.

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