Alice and Bob are Slightly Less Confused


Presented by: David Huerta
Date: Friday July 28, 2017
Time: 12:00 - 13:00
Location: Florentine Ballroom 4
Track: Crypto and Privacy Village

Two years ago at DEF CON I discussed UX issues affecting every kindof encryption tool. Since then, much has improved. We’ll go over some of the better examples of usable privacy technology and, like last time, go over some new challenges that still need to be addressed to make crypto usable in the real world. This talk is a sequel to this one:

David Huerta

David Huerta is a Digital Security Fellow at the Freedom of the Press Foundation, where he’s working on ways to train journalists to take advantage of privacy-enhancing technology to empower a free press. He's organized dozens of trainings across the US from Brooklyn to Phoenix. Before arriving in New York, he was one of the founding members for HeatSync Labs, an Arizona hackerspace which brings makers, hackers, and the occasional futurist together to build things and teach others how to do the same. Twitter handle of presenter(s): huertanix

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