The Key Management Facility of the Root Zone DNSSEC KSK


Presented by: Punky Duero (ICANN - PTI)
Date: Sunday July 30, 2017
Time: 12:00 - 12:30
Location: Florentine Ballroom 4
Track: Crypto and Privacy Village

Take a rare peak on the facility that helps secure the Root DNSSEC Key Signing Key and learn its recent activities including the key rollover. Understand what happens during a typically behind closed door key ceremonies.

Punky Duero

Punky Duero, a Filipino dude who once set course to California in search for opportunities after receiving his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from thePhilippines. During his journey, he settled in Fukushima and Yokohama, Japan for almost a year to help tinker and test software for NEC mobile phones. Upon arriving in California, he helped commercial and government facilities deploy security systems to secure their assets from James Bond and Ethan Hunt. In 2014, he joined the folks that helps manage the address book of the Internet and settled for the time being. Twitter handle of presenter(s): punkyduero

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