WS: Reasoning about Consensus Algorithms


Presented by: Zaki Manian
Date: Sunday July 30, 2017
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Location: Florentine Ballroom 3
Track: Crypto and Privacy Village

Consensus algorithms play anincredibly important role in many cryptographic systems from the Tor Directory authorities to cryptocurrencies to enterprise blockchains. Each of these systems use different processes to securely update the state of the system. After decades of minimal progress, a new consensus research seems to appear almost every day. This talk presents a framework for thinking about the diversity of approaches to consensus and evaluating the algorithm's security properties.

Zaki Manian

Zaki is an activist, entrepreneur and researcherin the world of applied cryptography projects. He is a founder of a blockchain company called Skuchain and has contributed to projects from ZCash toTendermint. Twitter handle of presenter(s): zmanian

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