So you want to be a Social Engineer

DerbyCon 7.0 - Legacy

Presented by: Chris Hadnagy (loganWHD)
Date: Friday September 22, 2017
Time: 12:00 - 12:50
Location: Track 1 - Break Me

One of the most asked questions we get at all of our Social-Engineer sites is "How can I become a social engineer?" This talk will walk through the path I took to become a professional social engineer and what anyone desiring to enter this field should do. I will blend it with stories of my failures and successes to round out expectations when trying to take this passion and make it a business.

Chris Hadnagy

Chris is known for asking about ~1000 questions about setting up his DerbyCon SE Village. He wants you to know that he loves the organizers and DerbyCon as much as his children @humanhacker

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