Reaching Across the Isle: Improving Security Through Partnership

DerbyCon 7.0 - Legacy

Presented by: Kevin Gennuso
Date: Saturday September 23, 2017
Time: 14:00 - 14:25
Location: Stable Talks

Information security has been a challenge since the dawn of computer networking. Improving the situation requires coordination and cooperation, not an adversarial stance between The Business, Security and IT. The answer isn't more endpoint agents, blinky boxes, or vendor pitches. The answer lies in partnering with all teams with a common purpose: improved security.

Kevin Gennuso

Kevin is an infosec greybeard who has helped secure various Pittsburgh-based companies for nearly 20 years. As someone who has learned everything from the infosec community, he strives to give back through mentoring and presenting to anyone enthused enough to listen. @kevvyg

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