Real Eyes Realize Real Lies: Beating Deception Technologies

Black Hat USA 2018

Presented by: Matan Hart
Date: Thursday August 09, 2018
Time: 09:00 - 09:25
Location: Lagoon JKL

Recent advancements have reinvented deception technologies and their use as a security layer of defense, making them no longer passé but so effective and believable that they are fast-becoming widespread in mature organizations. Many security providers now successfully disrupt attacks by offering comprehensive deception capabilities, featuring a variety of traps, deceits, and lures distributed across the enterprise's internal environment. While deception is a legitimate (and cool) threat detection and response strategy, like any other security trend, adversaries will inevitably adapt.

In this talk, we will discuss key weaknesses in deception technologies enabling a persistent attacker to overcome modern advanced deception techniques and beat deception solutions at their own game. We will share some guidelines, tactics, and a new open-source tool to arm red teams with the knowledge needed to avoid getting trapped during their next engagement.

Matan Hart

Matan Hart is the co-founder and CEO of Cymptom, a cybersecurity startup dedicated to getting the most out of businesses' security investments. Matan has vast experience in security innovation, pioneering various research and leading positions at CyberArk and the Israel Defense Forces. Based on his extensive experience as a malware analyst and security researcher, he has discovered novel attack methods and presented at security conferences including Black Hat and BSides. Matan is a true believer that the world is an open field for innovation and improvement – and the bad guys needn't always win.

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