JARVIS never saw it coming: Hacking machine learning (ML) in speech, text and face recognition - and frankly, everywhere else

BSidesLV 2018

Presented by: Guy Barnhart-Magen, Ezra Caltum
Date: Tuesday August 07, 2018
Time: 15:00 - 15:55
Location: Breaking Ground

Exploits, Backdoors, and Hacks: words we do not commonly hear when speaking of Machine Learning (ML). In this talk, I will present the relatively new field of hacking and manipulate machine learning systems and the potential these techniques pose for active offensive research.

The study of Adversarial ML allows us to leverage the techniques used by these algorithms to find weak points and exploit them in order to achieve:

In other words, while ML is great at identifying and classifying patterns, and an attacker can take advantage of this and take control of the system.

This talk is an extension of research made by many people, including presenters at DefCon, CCC, and others – a live demo will be shown on stage!

Garbage In, RCE Out 🙂

Guy Barnhart-Magen

Ezra Caltum

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