LibreSSL - Moving the Ecosystem Forward

BSidesLV 2018

Presented by: Brent Cook (busterbcook)
Date: Wednesday August 08, 2018
Time: 15:00 - 15:55
Location: Common Ground

In response to the Heartbleed vulnerability disclosure of April 2014, the OpenBSD team created LibreSSL, a fork of OpenSSL focused on removing obsolete code and dangerous features, improving security, and simplifying the interfaces, while maintaining backward compatibility as much as possible. Since that time, OpenSSL has also had significant investments both in developers and money. But the principal forks of OpenSSL, BoringSSL and LibreSSL, continue to grow and find unique places in the TLS stack ecosystem. Four years later, has the ecosystem improved? Are there too many forks? Why not merge everything back into OpenSSL?This talk will discuss the impact of OpenSSL, BoringSSL, and LibreSSL on applications and operating sytem, why forks still exist, and with TLS 1.3 right around the corner, where the projects are heading.

Brent Cook

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