Building a Cloud Pentest Lab (and how we blew some up)

BSidesDE 2018

Presented by: Barrett Adams, Chris Myers
Date: Saturday November 10, 2018
Time: 15:30 - 16:20
Location: Track 2

Building a lab in the cloud is cheaper and easier than ever. We'll talk about the basics of setting up a lab in the cloud: what to consider, how to do it, and what it'll cost. We will also share some funny stories of things we've messed up while building our own cloud labs (and how to avoid our pitfalls).

Audience: Anyone interested in penetration testing lab environment.. Only basic IT knowledge is required.

Chris Myers

Chris is an experienced penetration tester with 5 years in the information security industry. He's led a diverse range of red team assessments, from internal networks, to spear-phishing exercises, to web and mobile applications. His areas of interest include exploit development, offensive security training and education, and automation and tool development.

Barrett Adams

Barrett is also a penetration tester and security professional with experience performing a variety of red team assessments. He has created red team tools such as Invoke-PSImage for stealthy payload delivery and Invoke-WCMDump for dumping Credential Manager passwords.

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