Cryptocurrency as Asymmetric Economic Weapon

BSidesDE 2018

Presented by: Scott Lyons, Joshua Marpet
Date: Saturday November 10, 2018
Time: 13:00 - 13:50
Location: Track 2

Stock prices can be manipulated. Can Cryptocurrency prices? Can you manipulate cryptocurrency prices to make money, destabilize governments, and change the course of history? Just changing the prices won't. But there are ways to make it ""interesting"". Let's figure out what it takes, and what the response might be. :)

Audience: Interested parties in cryptocurrency and world politics

Joshua Marpet

Scott has done all kinds of weird stuff in places he can't talk about. Josh has done weird stuff in jail, Bourbon Street, and other places. They're both infosec people and have been for a long time. Pretty sorry guys, huh? They run a company called Red Lion, where they do compliance and advisory services. People like them, and companies are happy to see them go! Come see them talk!

Scott Lyons

Scott has done all kinds of weird stuff in places he can't talk about. Josh has done weird stuff in jail, Bourbon Street, and other places. They're both infosec people and have been for a long time. Pretty sorry guys, huh? They run a company called Red Lion, where they do compliance and advisory services. People like them, and companies are happy to see them go! Come see them talk!

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