All the Bacon: How Lesley Knope and Ron Swanson encourage community growth

BSidesDE 2018

Presented by: Kevin Johnson
Date: Friday November 09, 2018
Time: 17:00 - 17:50
Location: Track 1

In this presentation Kevin Johnson of Secure Ideas will discuss community and how we are only as good as the people who surround us. Security is a huge undertaking and as it becomes more and more central to industry and our world, we have to improve the ethics and community it has. Kevin will explore some of the failing of the security ""community"" (whether it is the field as a whole or the regional groups supporting us all) and use these stories to help us all improve what we do and how we help each other.

Audience: Everyone as we need to be more encouraging

Kevin Johnson

Kevin Johnson is the Chief Executive Officer of Secure Ideas. Kevin has a long history in the IT field including system administration, network architecture and application development. He has been involved in building incident response and forensic teams, architecting security solutions for large enterprises and penetration testing everything from government agencies to Fortune 100 companies. In addition, Kevin is a faculty member at IANS and was an instructor and author for the SANS Institute . In his free time, Kevin enjoys spending time with his family and is an avid Star Wars fan and member of the 501st Legion (Star Wars charity group).

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