WCTF Magic as told by a clumsy Magician

I will do an in depth view of the competition from the perspective of the -Overview of the CTF -The whos who in the zoo -The setup -Types and styles of challenges -WiFi -The different variations of encryption -Bluetooth -Speakers -Mice or keyboards -Xbee -ICS -SDR -Signal Drinking game -SSTV -Pager traffic -Chromecast -Take it over and play music. Special requests get more points -Hide and Seek (wifi/SDR) -Hidden anywhere within legal boundaries of conference -Fox and Hound (wifi/SDR) -A person knows they are being hunted. The device is small -Gear do's and dont's -Computers -USB bus -WiFi cards -Antennas -Discuss methodology of the CTF -Site survey -Discovery -Plan -Setup -Attack -Offense and defense in play (stories and tactics to provide) -You can attack other players or the game infrastructure -How do you know another team is on the attack -Solo and Team Strategy -Random Smattering of stories from -SchmooCon party shenanigans -Crawling on all fours tearing apart registration tables at Bsides Charm -Covert spy v spy fox hunting sneaking in and out of talks and hunting the prey -Asking people if they are foxy (wifi fox) while wearing a shirt that says bearded for her pleasure -Making it rain on ZeroChaos with Swedish Fish

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