I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough and Doggone It, CFP Reviewers and Audiences CAN Love Me!

I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough and Doggone It, CFP Reviewers and Audiences CAN Love Me!

  • You are a great person – a unique and special snowflake – you have brilliant ideas.
  • You are completely ineffective at getting those ideas out of your head and to an audience.
  • You’ve submitted multiple CFP responses and are not (or rarely) accepted.
  • You have used more than 4 fonts in a powerpoint deck or a font size less than 24pts.
  • You have ever read your talk from speakers notes (or worse, read aloud only the words on the screen.)

Join this highly interactive workshop-style talk during which there will be some instruction and a whole lot of guided visualizations with the aim of getting from Idea to Delivery – CFP Responses to doing the research to building the talk and making the impact you want.

Stop producing presentations that look like crap and fail to get your point across. NOTE: There will be a beta-release of a tool at this talk – not a ‘sploits make me leet’ tool, but a tool that will make you not look like crap as often.

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